Student Disability 服务 FAQs

Student Disability 服务 FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Student Disability Accommodations


云顶集团致力于为残疾学生提供便利 参与大学的课程、活动、课程和行政管理 活动. 的 specific accommodation that will be appropriate for a student is evaluated on an individual basis so as to best assist the student.

为了确定适合每个学生的住宿条件, 学生应该提交具体住宿和支持的请求 文档. 的 request and 文档 will be evaluated by the Student Disability 服务 Committee. 的 student can start the process by submitting his or her request 在网上

我在大学能得到和高中一样的残疾照顾吗 学校?

如果不检查你收到的住宿和文件,很难说 supporting those accommodations.

虽然《云顶集团4008om》和第504节适用于高中和大学水平,但它们 do not apply in exactly the same manner. 的 United States Department of Education 为学生提供了一个有用的指南,解释了一些重要的区别 残疾人住宿在高中和大学环境中的应用方式. That guide can be found 在这里.

无论如何,你所拥有的任何与残疾住宿有关的文件和信息 在高中可能有助于确定住宿是合适的 为你在UD.

How do I go about requesting a disability accommodation?

的 first step is to submit a request for a disability accommodation. Disability accommodations 一般通过大学的在线申请表格在网上提交 是可用的 在这里. However, you may also contact the Student Disability 服务 协调员 directly. And always feel free to call, email, or stop by with any questions about the disability accommodation process.


对任何和所有住宿的要求都将根据具体情况进行审查 批准基于两个因素:(1)所要求的住宿是否适当? and (2) Is it reasonable? Accommodations are designed to allow the student to meet 他们所选课程的基本要素是所有学生都必须具备的, with or without a disability.


以下文档指南用于验证学生的禁用 条件(s):

  • 一份清晰的诊断说明,描述病情是如何被诊断出来的,信息 关于功能影响,以及提供适当的住宿建议 由持牌或其他适当证书的专业人员进行适当的 且受过全面培训,有相关经验,且无私交 with the individual being evaluated.
  • 所有文件必须用官方抬头的信纸,打印并由专业人员签名. 诊断书写在处方笺上,手写的,或加盖签名的遗嘱 not be accepted.
  • Documentation should be current. Common sense and discretion will be used in accepting older 文档 of conditions that are permanent or non-varying. However, in most 在某些情况下,文件不应超过三年,在某些情况下 it should be even more recent.

In addition, the Student Disability 服务 委员会制定了指导方针和核实表格,以协助学生聚集 appropriate 文档 for certain disabilities and accommodation 请求. 你 can find the guidelines and verification forms 在这里.

最后,虽然每个机构都有自己的评估,但你可能会发现它很有用 查看提供的更详细的(通常是针对残疾的)指导方针 by the College Board, which administers the SAT. Those guidelines are available 在这里.

Is it possible to receive accommodations relating to specialized dietary needs?


有特殊饮食要求的学生,不是基于残疾 咨询爱玛客的代表,讨论如何定制他们的饮食体验 in light of their specific 请求. Aramark is able to meet many specialized dietary 请求. More information 是可用的 在这里.

有特殊饮食要求的残疾学生可以 咨询爱玛客代表,但也应提交残疾住宿证明 request to the Student Disability 服务 协调员 在这里.

Is it possible to request an exemption from the meal plan based on disability?

是的,如果你有残疾,你可以申请免签. Requests should be submitted to the Student Disability 服务 协调员 在这里.

基于特殊饮食需求的请求被视为住宿请求 so as to receive the specialized diet. Consequently, the Student Disability 服务 委员会将审查请求,以确定是否提供证明文件 establishes a medical/disability-based reason for the specific diet. 的 Student Disability 服务 Committee then makes a recommendation for a diet-based accommodation.

学生将委员会的建议提交给爱玛客代表 review and comment on. 的 Aramark representative will acknowledge either that Aramark 不能提供推荐的基于饮食的住宿,或者它可以提供 recommended diet-based accommodation.

然后,学生向办公室提交推荐和确认表格 of Student 住房 for a decision as to the appropriate accommodation.

Is t在这里 a way to access audiobooks for my courses?

T在这里 are various ways to access audiobooks.

第一个, the University of Dallas has an institutional account with Bookshare, which provides free access to individuals with qualifying disabilities.

第二个,所有云顶集团的学生都可以使用欧文公共图书馆,包括 its selection of audiobooks through 喧闹. Please contact one of the University of Dallas 图书馆员 in order to setup an account with the Irving Public 图书馆.

第三, t在这里 are a wide variety of for-profit sources for quality audiobooks, such as 听得见的.com.

In order to assist students, Student Disability 服务 has compiled links 到各种课程中经常使用的文本的音频版本和版本.